新中国成立后 ,中国共产党根据社会主义制度和社会主义建设事业的需要 ,根据少数民族和民族地区文化教育的具体发展情况 ,制定并实施了一系列民族教育政策和措施 ,旨在发展和繁荣少数民族教育 ,努力提高少数民族人口的素质 ,促进民族地区经济和社会的发展。半个世纪过去了 。
Since the founding of new China, to fit in with the socialist system and construction, the Communist Party of China has formulated and carried out a series of policies and measures based on the needs of the development of minority nationalities as well as the development of education and culture in ethnic areas. The aim is to develop and prosper ethnic education, improve the quality of minority nationality population and promote the economic and social development in ethnic areas. In the past half century, China has made great achievements in ethnic education. [
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities