介绍了美国环境保护局 1996年颁行的《节水规划指南》(以下简称《指南》)。《指南》对申请美国州饮用水周转贷款基金的供水企业 ,提出最低限度节水措施、规划步骤与内容等要求。遵循这一要求的供水系统扩建规划 ,将供水方与需水方实行的需水量管理 (DemandManagement,即节水措施 )加以综合 ,使节水量转换为供水规模的削减 ,达到节省扩建投资的目的。我国水厂扩建设计一般未考虑节水因素 ,或即使考虑 ,也不够系统和规范。因此 ,笔者认为《指南》对推动我国节水工作 ,特别是将广大城镇通过节约用水、计划用水获得的节水量 ,转换为当地供水系统扩建规模的削减和投资的节约 ,具有很大借鉴价值 ,并针对国内具体情况 。
The Water Conservation Plan Guidelines issued by USEPA in 1996 is pres ented. In the guidelines minimum requirement on water saving plan is demanded to the owner of water enterprises w ho apply for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to expand their waterworks. By this way the demand management pro grams of both the water suppliers and users of water service shall be colligated to reduce the programmed capacity of water supply by the saved water in succession to reduce the investment. In our country the factors of water saving are not yet co nsidered in expansion of waterworks. So the author thinks that this guideline is useful for reference to improve the water s aving in this country, and some considerations dealing with domestic arrangement are given.
Water & Wastewater Engineering