本文在研究低比特率视频编解码算法的基础上 ,以 h.2 6 3协议为标准 ,以 Philips公司的 TMDSP卡为开发平台 ,实现了一种视频编解码系统 ,经过测试该系统在对 qcif格式图像同时编码解码时 ,能达到每秒 2 5帧以上 ,平均码率能控制在 4 0 kbps以下 ,该压缩卡能广泛应用于可视电话、图像监控。
This paper realizes a video encode decode system ,which based on the research of low rate video codec algorithm, according to the H.263 protocol and taking TM DSPCPU of Philips as development environment . This system, on the result of strict test, can achieve more than 25 fps and keep the average bit rate under 40kbps when encoding and decoding qcif image at the same time. This card can be widely used in Video phone, Video monitor, Video conference and other multi media applications.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems