目的 探讨非脱垂子宫经阴道切除术的方法和经验。方法 对 17例子宫增大如 6~ 15孕周、活动 ,估计无粘连的子宫肌瘤、肌腺症患者行阴式子宫切除术 ,缩小子宫的方法包括子宫对半劈开、肌瘤剜除和子宫分碎术。结果16例经阴道手术成功 ,平均手术时间 12 6± 2 2 .30分钟 (110~ 180分钟 ) ,平均失血量为 10 2 .14± 80 .0 2 ml (5 0~30 0 ml)。结论 非脱垂子宫经阴道切除是一种有效和安全的手术 ,创伤小 ,恢复快 ;手术适应症的掌握 ,手术者的经验以及合适的器械是手术成功的关键。
Objective Study on the methods and the experience of transvaginal Resection of non-prolapse of uterus.Methods 17 cases of non-adhesive aggregation hysteromyoma and adenoma with the uterus augmentation such as 6~15 pregnancy weeks were resected tansvaginally.The methods of reducing uterus included hemisection cleavage of uterus,cutting out of adenoma and breaking to pieces of uterus.Results 16 cases with transvaginal resection were successful with mean operative time 126+-22.30(110~180)minutes and with mean blooding quantity 102.14±80.02ml(50~300ml).Conclusion Transvaginal resection of non-prolapse of uterus is a safe and an effective operation with less wound and rapidly get well.At the same time the proper machine is the key for the operative success.
Fujian Medical Journal