针对铝、镁金属及其合金焊接的特点 ,研制了 1台新型的方波交流GTAW (GasTungstenArcWelding)逆变电源 ,该电源采用较为简单的后级逆变结构形式 ,降低了整机的成本和电路的复杂性。同时运用新颖的稳弧控制措施 ,得到了较好的稳弧性能。实验证明 ,该机具有多功能、性能可靠的特点 ,能很好地满足焊接铝。
A novel square wave AC GTAW inverter was produced to deal with welding alumium,magnesium and their alloys.A simple topology of circuit was adopted in the latter inverse stage and a new method of re ignition in AC welding arc was used to get stable arc in welding process. Experiment showed that this power source had multifunction and met the need of welding aluninium,magnesium and their alloys well.
Electric Welding Machine