天生桥二级水电站 2号引水隧洞 2 +837~ 2 +92 7是比较典型的溶洞段 ,地质结构复杂 ,有一条横跨 40m的大溶洞 ,底部深度 5 5 88m ,顶部与山顶相通 ,其充填物为黄色泥夹石 ,巨大孤石及黑色淤泥 ;有 2道分别为 2 2m、2 8m宽的断层破碎带 ,裂隙发育 ,因此必须进行基础处理。本段施工采取了混凝土桩基、高压旋喷灌浆和高压固结灌浆等措施 ,经受通水发电的考验 。
Sta 2+837 to sta 2+927 stretch in NO.2 power tunnel of TSQ_Ⅱ hydropower station is a typical karstic section. Its geological structure is complicated. A big cave of 40 m span with 55.88 m bottom depth exists. Its top leads to the mountain peak. The filling is yellow clay with stone, massive rock and black gouge. There are 2 fault fractures, 22 m and 28 m wide respectively. Fissures are developed, this foundation must be treated. Concrete pile footings, high pressure rotatary spiral grouting and high pressure consolidation grouting are applied. Test through power plant operation showed the success.
Hongshui River