旨在探讨期刊信息资源共享和开发利用的实现途径 ,认为建立期刊联合目录数据库 ,并将 WWW技术与数据库技术紧密结合 ,开发基于 Web平台的期刊数据库应用系统 ,则是在更大范围内实现期刊资源共知、共享、开发利用的基础和行之有效的途径。中国科学院文献情报中心牵头研建的“全国中西日俄文期刊联合目录数据库”正是这样的 Web平台期刊数据库应用系统 ,本文简要阐述了该数据库的概况、网络服务系统的功能特点。
The purpose of this article to discuss realization of journal information resources sharing and developing and using. It is very effective that building a journal union catalog database retrieval system under net environment, the system can realize journal information resources union building, sharing in more range. The Database,Union Catalog Database of Chinese,Western letters, Japanese and Russia, its plat is on base Web journal database applications server, The Documentation and Information Center of CAS have built this database. This article introduce the database' general situation, its function and characteristics of the web server system, its object of serve.
New Technology of Library and Information Service