
适应性教育超媒体系统——模型、方法与技术 被引量:38

A Review of Adaptive Hypermedia System: Model, Method and Technology
摘要 适应性超媒体是一个新兴的研究领域 ,位于超媒体 /超文本、适应性系统和智能教学系统的交叉点上。该文的目的是对该领域的研究状况作一总结 ,首先 ,将回答三个重要问题 :什么是适应性超媒体系统AHS (Adaptivehypermediasystem) ?为什么要适应性 ?适应什么 ?然后 ,将介绍在AHS中所用到的一些方法和技术 。 Adaptive hypermedia is a new area of research at the crossroads of hypermedia, adaptive systems and intelligent tutoring systems. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of this area. Firstly, it answered three important questions: what is adaptive hypermedia system(AHS)? why it is needed? and what can be adapted? Then the authors introduced some methods and technology in AHS. At last, system structure and some empirical evidences about it were also mentioned.
出处 《现代教育技术》 2002年第1期11-17,共7页 Modern Educational Technology
关键词 适应性超媒体 网络课程 用户模型 适应性内容 适应性导航 适应性教育超媒体系统 Adaptive Hypermedia,Network Courseware,User Model,Adaptive Presentation,Adaptive Navigation
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