未来经济的竞争主要是科学技术与人才的竞争 ,而归根到底是人才的竞争。知识型员工作为掌握科学技术的人才 ,是高科技企业竞争优势的核心。如何管理与激励知识型员工成为各高科技企业关注的焦点。本文分析了知识型员工管理的现状 ,有针对性地提出一些管理与激励的对策和建议。
In the future,competition focuses on scientific technologies and talents.The latter is more fundamental.Talents with rich scientific technologies are sure to be the core of competitive advantage of hi-tech enterprises.Thus how to manage and promote these talents becomes one of the greatest concerns of hi-tech enterprises.This paper analyses the present situation of managing knowledge worker,puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions.
East China Economic Management