简要回顾国内外马铃薯育种发展历程和发展趋势 ,指出我国马铃薯育种领域正处于激烈变动时期 ,僵化的体制、机制正在被打破 ,新的体制、机制尚未建立 ,面对中国加入WTO和产业结构调整 ,马铃薯还将继续发展的新形势 ,尽快确立我国马铃薯育种新体制和新机制 ,是当前急需解决的问题。建议在西北、华北、西南各建立一个中国马铃薯育种分中心 ,在云南建立中国马铃薯资源创新中心 ,利用生物技术手段系统开展马铃薯野生种利用研究。在育种方法上 ,仍以常规育种为主 ,大力开展生物技术利用研究 ,通过基因图谱和分子标记等技术 ,使依靠表现型选择转为直接选择基因型 。
After having a bird view of the history and tzend of potato bieeding both home and alnoad,it is deeply fely that a reeonifruction of the word of patato breeding in China is uigently needed.Some Auggestions are purt forward.A branch of Chinensis Potato Breeding Center should be set up i n each of the south east,north and aouthwest of China.A Chinese Potato Resource Creating Center should be established in Yunnan to carry out Aystematic research of using wild potato species in breeding with biotechnology.On the side of breeding method,conventional breeding is till the basic,but it is important to axploit the potential of biotchnoloy.By help of gene map and molecular marer,direet selection of genet type will be used insteed of selection based on plant morphology,thus,the efficiency of breeding will be mostey raised.
Chinese Potato Journal