Eight temperate deciduous tree species, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharinum L., A. saccharum Marsh., Belluta alleghaniensis Britton., Fraxinus nigra Marsh., Quercus rubra L., Titia americana L., and Ulmus americana L. in eastern North America, were selected to explore relationship between the northward distribution of temperate tree species and climatic factors. For each species, more than 30 sites at their north limits of distribution were obtained from their distribution maps, and 11 climatic indices at the north limits were computed. The standardized standard deviation (SD) method, which compares the magnitude of variance of climatic indices, was used to detect which climatic parameter was the most important for explaining northward distribution of these species. We presume that the climatic parameter that has the smallest variance at the north limit would be assigned as the dominant climatic factor for limiting the distribution of this species. The results derived from the standardized SD method indicated that the SD value of warmth index (WI) and/or annual biotemperature (ABT) were the smallest among the 11 climatic indices. Since both WI and ABT represent growing season temperature, it suggested that growing season temperature was the most important climatic factor for explaining the northward distribution of these temperate tree species. The relationships between several climatic indices, WI, coldness index (CI), annual precipitation (AP), annual range of temperature (ART) and humid/arid index were also analyzed. As a result, at the north limits of all these species, both WI and CI decreased with an increase of AP, and CI increased with an increase of ART. Besides growing season temperature, precipitation and climatic continentality also have influence on the northward distribution of the temperate trees in eastern North America.
利用分布于北美东部的 8种温带落叶树种为研究材料 ,应用反映热量和降水状况的 11个变量为气候指标 ,用标准差分析方法分析了这 8个树种的分布北界与气候因子之间的关系。结果表明 ,在所使用的气候指标中 ,同一树种不同地点的温暖指数或年生物温度的标准差最小 ,说明积温是限制这些树种向北分布的主要气候因子 ;温暖指数和寒冷指数随着年降水量的增大而减小 ,寒冷指数随着年较差的增加而增加 ,温暖指数随着水热综合指数的增加表现出减小的趋势。表明 ,除了生长季节的积温之外 。
国家自然科学基金 ( 3942 5 0 0 3)~~