目的 总结急性梗阻性胆管炎所致多器官损害发病机理的实验研究进展。方法 分析近 10年来国内外有关急性梗阻性胆管炎所致多器官损害发病机理的文献报道。结果 已建立多种稳定、可靠的急性胆道感染动物模型。急性梗阻性胆管炎期间 ,枯否细胞 (KCs)吞噬与清除功能降低、肝细胞线粒体功能损害、KCs对肝细胞蛋白质合成功能的影响、肝脏损害对肺脏等远隔器官功能的影响及内毒素介导KCs激活并释放大量细胞因子是造成多器官损害的主要机理。结论 急性胆道感染造成多器官功能损害的病理生理机理十分复杂 。
Objective To elucidate the mechanism of multiple organs dysfunction (MOD) during acute obstructive cholangitis (AOC). Methods The reports about MOD and AOC in recent 10 years were collected and reviewed.Results Applicable animal models of AOC were established. During AOC, the decrease of Kupffer cells (KCs) phagocytic function and clearance function, hepatocyte mitochondrion damage, the effect of KCs on protein synthesis of hepatocytes and activation of KCs by endotoxin played an important role in the pathogenesis of MOD. Conclusion The mechanism of pathogenesis of MOD during AOC is complicated and the changes of KCs functions is one of major factors.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery
国家自然科学基金资助课题 (项目编号 :39970 71 9)~~