本文从三方面论述了《罕哈冉惠传》在蒙古史诗中的重要地位:1,对学界普遍存在的此史诗属"晚期史诗"的看法提出质疑,认为该史诗当属于"早期史诗"; 2,针对贯穿本史诗宗教思想的主线是"佛教"还是"萨满教"一问题,阐述了个人看法; 3,论述了该部史诗具有的文学审美价值。
This paper discussed the important position of the Khan Kharangui in Mongolian epics from three aspects:1.questioning the view that the epic is a "late epic" prevalent in the academic circles,and holding that the epic belongs to "early epic";2.on the question of whether the main thread running through the religious thought of the epic is "Buddhism"or "Shamanism",sets forth personal views;3.,discussion about the aesthetic value of the epic.
Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies