阐述了新近发展的以工程用太阳电池数学模型、专用控制软件和电力电子技术为基础的数字太阳电池阵列模拟器。实验表明 ,该种模拟器性能良好 ,可以在实验室复现 10kWp 以下不同功率太阳电池阵列在不同日射强度、环境温度下的特性 ,并在屏幕上显示出被模拟阵列的I -V及P -V曲线 ,以闪烁光标显示该阵列在设定日射强度和环境温度下最大功率的位置及其量值 ,同时也以闪烁光标指示系统的工作点位置 ,研究操作人员可以清晰地观察到二者之间的差异。该种模拟器可以方便地引导系统研究人员分析系统运行存在的问题 ,从而使系统工作于最佳状态 ,它为光伏系统工作者及光伏系统生产厂商提供了系统优化配置的有效手段。
This paper deals with an investigation on a digital solar array simulator based on the mathematical modules of solar cells,including mono-crystal,poly-crystal and amorph-crystal solar cells.With help of the new developed software and the technology of appropriate power electronics the developed simulator shows a good performance.It can be used for simulating the behaviors of a solar cell array of arbitrary capacity up to 10KW p unde different irradiation,surrounding temperature.The I-V,P-V curves and the immediate position of maximum power point as well as the immediate operating point of the load system are shown at the same time in display with glimmered symbols.It can indicate researchers how to improve and in which diretion to adjust the system so that the maximum power can be obtained under immediate irradiation and temperature.It can be also used as an effective method for system optimization design.
Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica