目的 探讨磁共振 (MRI)在小儿常见左向右分流先天性心脏病 (先心病 )中的诊断价值。方法 82例均行超声心动图及MRI检查 ,其中 6例作心血管造影 (ACG) ,5 7例行手术。结果 82例中单纯室间隔缺损 (VSD) 6 0例 ,VSD合并房间隔缺损 (ASD) 11例 ,VSD合并动脉导管未闭 (PDA) 2例 ,ASD合并PDA 1例 ,VSD合并ASD、PDA 3例 ,ASD 2例 ,PDA 3例。MRI检查出超声心动图漏诊的伴有主动脉弓病变 18例。结论 小儿常见左向右分流先心病的MRI诊断结果与超声相符 ,能显示心外大血管异常是MRI的优势。
Purpose To evaluate the value of MRI in common congenital heart disease with left to right shunt. Methods Eighty two cases underwent echocardiogram and MRI. Six of the 82 cases were underwent angiocardiogram, and 57 of the 82 cases were operated on. Results In 82 cases, 60 cases were VSD, 11 VSD associated with ASD, 2 VSD associated with PDA, 3 VSD associated with ASD and PDA, 1 ASD associated with PDA, 2 ASD, 3 PDA. MRI showed 18 abnormal aortic arch, which the echo did not diagnosed. Conclusion MRI is a non invasive way in dignosing congenital heart disease.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology