通过对湖北巴东北部地区东氵囊口、沿渡河与溪丘湾三镇的名优柑桔、柚子与茶叶生态农业试验基地的实地考察和土壤样中 18项地球化学指标的特征分析 ,着重研究了该名特优果茶试验基地的土壤地球化学背景与柑桔、柚子、花生和茶叶等农作物长势之间的关系 ,认为该区柑桔与柚子基地的土壤环境总体良好 ,少数劣质柑桔、柚子地区土壤过高的 pH值以及相对缺乏的营养元素和矿质组分 ;而茶叶土壤已受到一定程度的As污染 ,但总体土壤环境适合种植茶叶。文章最后提出了控制劣质保持优质柑桔、柚子和茶叶生长的措施。
Soil geochemistry is of great significance for studying agroecological environment and then determining the quality of crops.In this paper,by field researching the growth situation of the high quality special crops in three towns,including Dongnangkou,Yanduhe and Xiqiuwan of North Badong,we analyzed the geochemical characteristics of 18 elements in 11 soil samples from the agroecological bases.It shows that, the soils in the orange and tea plantation can be classified into three groups,in which the first and the second ones were from orange plantation and the third from tea plantation. Further study implies that,in addition to the absence of some nutritions elements and mineral components, the first type of soil with too high concentration values of Ca and the corresponding high pH values is not fit for planting oranges,whereas it is feasible to plant oranges and teas on the second and the third soil,respectively,except there are some As pollution in the third soil. At last,some effective measures were proposed to improve the soil in this district,which provides the scientific agrogeochemical evidence for growing crops and productive management.
Chinese Journal of Soil Science