
神经科学领域百年教条被打破引发的思考和启示 被引量:7

Thought and Inspiration about Death of a Dogma in Neuroscience
摘要 有关成年脑组织神经元再生的研究是当前神经科学研究的热点内容。相关的研究使得成年脑神经元不能再生“百年教条”不断受到挑战并最终被打破 ,这一历程体现了科学理论发展的一般规律和特点 。 The research about adult brain neurogenesis is a hot topic in neuroscience. As the research about adult brain neurogenesis advance,the century dogma that new neurons are not added to the adult mammalian brain final collapse.The developing process of neurogenesis theory clarified that the research about neurogenesis can not apart from philosophy theory. Meanwhile,it also brought many thought and inspiration to us.
出处 《医学与哲学》 2002年第3期18-20,共3页 Medicine and Philosophy
关键词 神经元再生 教条 神经生理学 Neurogenesis dogma brain
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