在《美国的悲剧》中 ,作者通过主人公为追求金钱、情欲和地位 ,逐步走向堕落 ,最后泯灭人性地杀害女友的故事 ,谴责了贪图享受的极端利己主义 ,揭示了在失去理想信念后 ,面对金钱的腐蚀、情欲的诱惑、政治的操纵 ,个人的奋斗只能带来人性的异化 。
An American Tragedy , through depicting the fall of a young man enslaved to money, lust and social position to the point of losing his good conscience and murdering his girlfriend, ruthlessly condemns extreme egotism based on the libido for pleasure. The novel tries to put across to the reader that after the loss of ideals and faith, at the temptation of material wealth and lust, and under the manipulation of politics, a person's struggle up the social ladder leads to nothing but the alienation of his human nature, nothing but the ruin of himself.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)