1997年至 1 999年间 ,在韩国智异山国家公园选取生境相似 ,但片断化和未片断化不同的调查地。设置 8条 2km长截线 ,调查记录了黄鼬 (Mustelasibirica)、黄喉貂 (青鼬 ) (Martesflavigula)、狗獾(Melesmeles)、豹猫 (Felisbengalensis)、野猪 (Susscrofa)、獐 (Hydropotesinermis)、狍 (Capreolus)、朝鲜兔 (Lepuscoreanus)和松鼠的数量 ,并对影响动物数量的相关因子进行回归分析。结果表明 ,8块样地虽属两大类不同景观且具有相似植被特征 ,但在片断化和未片断化中 ,枯折木 ,胸高直径 (dbh)6~ 1 0cm的树及 5 0cm的巨树密度 ,树冠盖度及灌木被度均有明显差异。 3年内在 8块样地共记录到 9种兽类在雪被上留下的足迹 ,其中 5种兽的密度在片断化和未片断化生境中差异明显。 9种兽的渐近多元回归中 ,6种兽的密度同景观和植被变量密切相关 ,但如果不增加当地生境条件 ,则足迹链丰富度同植被构成的简单相关性表现得很微弱。在片断化和未片断化的不同景观林区 。
Tracks of 9 species of mammals, Siberian weasels (Mustela sibirica), yellow-throated martens (Martes flavigula), Eurasian badgers (Meles meles), Bengal cats (Felis bengalensis), wild boars (Sus scrofa), water deer (Hydropotes inermis), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), Korean hares (Lepus coreanus) and red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) were recorded on the snow on eight 2 km transects in forests with similar vegetation features, but within fragmented and unfragmented landscapes in Mt. Chirisan National Park, Korea, from 1997 to 1999. All eight study sites have generally similar vegetation characteristics despite lying within a larger matrix of two different landscapes. Nonetheless, there were significantly differences in density of snags, stems 6-10 cm diameter at breast height (dbh), stem > 50 cm dbh, canopy cover, and shrub coverage between fragmented and unfragmented forests. Nine species of mammals were recorded among 8 study sites in this snow tracking during 3 years. Significant differences were formed density between fragmented and unfragmented forests for 5 mammal species; the others were evenly distributed. Of the 9 mammal species analyzed, 6 species exhibited one or more significant correlations with the landscape or vegetation variables in a stepwise multiple regression. Simple correlations between the abundance of snow tracks and the vegetation structure have limited value if not put into a local and regional habitat context. Distributions and dynamics of mammals in landscapes with fragmented and unfragmented forests ought to be examined more closely.
Acta Theriologica Sinica