中国是一个人口大国 ,人均可利用水资源量少。水资源利用的低效和浪费以及污染问题进一步加剧了水资源的供需矛盾。在中国的市场经济制度渐趋发展的形势下 ,要实现水资源的可持续利用 ,就必须突破过去计划经济体制下的不合理框架 ,更多地使用符合市场经济要求的价格机制。
China is a country with large population. The unbalanced spatial and temporal distribution of water resources, together with pollution, is undermining the average utilizable water resources per person, while at the same time, there exists low efficiency of utilization and waste of water in agricultural production and domestic use. With China's transition from planning economy to market economy, the on going system is gradually found to be lag, and market oriented pricing system, uniform water administrative system and water property right market are playing more and more important role in China's sustainable water resources management.
China Population,Resources and Environment