目的探讨菲立磁增强MRI在肝脏实性占位性病变诊断中的应用价值。方法 对28例经CT、MRI或其他方式检查确诊有肝脏占位性病变者进一步行菲立磁增强 MRI检查,比较增强前后TtWI病灶及肝脏的信号强度及对比信噪比(CNR);根据增强前后病灶数量及形态进行定性诊断。结果 菲立磁强强T2WI肝脏信号强度较平扫明显下降,恶性病灶与肝脏的CNR较平扫明显提高,差异具有显著性。结论 非立磁增强TtWI明显提高肝脏实性占位性病变的检出率。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value ofsuperparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)-enhanced magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) for hepatic focal solid lesions. Methods SPIO (Feridex)-enhanced MRI examination was performed in 28 casesof hepatic space-occupying lesions defined by CT or MRI or other methods. In post-contrast enhanced examination. the signalintensity and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were measured in lesions and normal hepatic parenchyma in T,-weighted images(T2WI) and were compared with those in pre-contrast enhanced MRI. The number and morphology of the lesions were visual-ized for qualitative diagnostic analysis. Results In Feridex-enhanced MRI, the signal intensity of normal hepatic parenchymawas decreased while the CNR between lesions and normal liver tissues significantly improved in comparison with that inpre-contrast enhanced examination. Conclusion Feridex-enhanced T2wI examination significantly improves detection of hep-atic lesions and is valuable in diagnosing hepatic focal solid lesions.
Journal of First Military Medical University