本文提出一种能够方便、快速、灵敏地检测水质中苯胺在化合物的新方法。这种方法是先用 N-氯代丁二酰亚胺氧化苯胺 ,再用 8-羟基喹哪啶作为偶联显色剂 ,在 p H9- 1 1的碱性介质中 1进行显色。显色反应所得蓝色化合物的最大吸收波长为 62 0 nm,摩尔吸光系数为 1 .1× 1 0 4 L· mol- 1· cm- 1,在苯胺为 0 .2~ 1 0 mg/l的浓度范围内符和比尔定律 ,最低检出限为 0 .0 3mg/l,测定的重现性在± 5 %以内。该方法成功地用于环境水样的分析 。
A convenient, rapidly and sensitive spectrophotometric determination of aniline in water has been developed and proposed. The method involves the use of an oxidative coupling reaction for aniline and 8-hydroxyquinaldine using N-chlorosuccinimide as oxidizing agent in alkaline medium(pH9-11). The blue-colored dye thus formed exhibits the maximum absorption at 620nm. Molar absorption and detection limit were found to be 1.1×10 4 L.mol -1 .cm -1 and 0.030mg/L. Beer's law is valid up to 0.2-10mg/L of aniline in water. Relative standard deviation is less than ±5%. The new method has been successfully applied to determination of aniline in environmental water.
Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry