利用多年逐候平均资料 ,分析得到盛夏南亚高压的两类平衡态 -青藏高压和伊朗高压 ,它们又各可分为东西部型 .讨论了两类平衡态及其东西部型时的温度和降水分布差异 .发现 :青藏高压时 ,高压中心及其东南地区地面气温偏高 ,高压西北及北面的气温明显偏低 ,高原东侧的东亚地区多雨 .伊朗高压时 ,高压中心及其西北区气温偏高 ,高压东南区的气温偏低 ,在高原南侧的印度北部地区降水偏强 .青藏高压东部型使长江下游及西北地区多雨 ,华北和华南等大片地区干旱少雨 ;西部型使中国西南至华北大片东北 -西南走向的地区为多雨 ,西北地区则高温干旱 .伊朗高压东部型使中国东部沿海地区多雨 ;
The multiyear pentad mean data are used to analyze the mid_summer 100 hPa level circulation patterns and it is found that there are two balancing modes of the South Asian High (SAH): the Tibetan High and the Iranian High. They can also be divided into, the east and the west patterns, respectively. The relationships of the two stationary modes, and their east and west patterns with China's mid_summer climate abnormality are discussed by use of the pentad mean surface air temperature and precipitation data in 1?301 stations over the Asian and Australian regions. It is found that the effects of the two modes and their east and west patterns of the SAH are of large_scale features. When the Tibetan High is dominant, the surface air temperature in the domain of the High's central area and its southeast vicinities is higher than normal, while to the northwest and the north of the High it is lower. The precipitation in East Asia to the east of the High is larger. When the Iranian High is prevailing, the surface air temperature in the domain of the High's central area and its northwest surrounding regions is higher than normal, while to the southeast of the High it is lower. The northern part of the India Peninsula to the south of the Tibet Plateau has more rainfalls. For the east pattern of the Tibetan High, more rainfalls appear over the lower reach of the Yangtze River and Northwest China, on contrary to the less precipitation in North China, South China and other large areas. However, there are more rainfalls in Southwest and North China, while it is drier and hotter in Northwest China in the west pattern phase of the Tibetan High. In the east mode of the Iranian High, the eastern part of China has more precipitation, and in the west mode the areas with obviously more precipitation are located over the Yangtze and the Huaihe River valleys.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (19980 40 90 0 )
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 175 0 2 1)
the South Asian High, the Tibetan High, the Iranian High, mid_summer climate abnormality in China