1988~1990年田间稻瘟病菌抗药性测定表明,四川11盆地稻瘟病菌存在有抗异稻瘟净(IBP)和稻瘟灵(IPT)的菌株.抗IBP菌株的IBP抑制中浓度(EC_(50))平均为37.30μg/ml,为敏感菌株的2.1倍.抗IPT菌株D69-4的15μg/ml IPT的抑菌率为55.41%.抗IPT菌株出现频率显著低于抗IBP菌株.抗IBP突变频率为22.96%,而抗IPT突变频率为3.80%.抗药性菌株的地理分布地区间无显著差异;抗性菌株的菌丝生长速率、产孢量及致病性与敏感菌株无显著差异.
After investigation of lesistance to Kitazin P(IBP) and Fuji-One (isoprothiolane, IPT) in Pyri-cularia oryzae Cav. from 1988 to 1990, isolates resistant to both fungicides were found in Sichuan. The EC50 of IBP to resistant isolates averaged at 37.30μg/ml, being 2.1 times as much as that to sensitive ones, the inhibition of IPT at 15μg/ml to IPT lesistant isolate D69-4 was 55.4%. The fre-uency of resistant isolates (FRI) to IBP was 7.69% in 1989 and 7.32% in 1990, much highet than that of 0.00% in 1988, while the FRI to IPT to IPT was 1.09% in 1989 without significant differance from that of 0.00% both in 1988 and 1990. This diffetance was found to be relevent to that of resistant mutation mycelia between IBP and IPT. The resistant mutation frequences to IBP and IPT were22.96% and3.80% lespectively on fungicide amended PSA plates. There was no significant differance in FRI among varial areas in Sichuan, and no significant differance in mycelial growth sporulation, and pathogensis was found between wild type isolates and resistant ones.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
IBP, IPT, Resistance, Pyicularia oryzae, Sichuan of China