开滦吕家坨矿业分公司是目前世界上最大的水力采煤矿井 ,曾获得过十分显著的效益 ,但随着开采条件发生变化 ,适合水力开采的区域逐渐减少 ,矿井目前正处在水采向旱采过渡期。如何保证矿井过渡期间产量稳定和提高效益对矿井的生存与发展十分重要。本文针对该矿 - 80 0 m水平三采区水采生产存在的一些问题 。
Lujiatuo Mining Branch of Kailuan Clean Coal Co. Ltd is currently the largest hydromine in the world and had gained remarkable benefits. But with the changing mining conditions, districts suitable for hydromining decreases. Now the mine is shifting its mining method gradually from hydraulic to conven tional method. How to ensure stable output and en hanced benefits during the transition period is of vital importance to the existence and development of the mine. The paper makes an analysis of the problems encountered in hydroming in -800m horizontal No.3 mining area of this mine, and proposes the specific countermeasures for enhancing hydroming capacity in thick coal seams.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation