对云南紧茶、湖北青砖、浙江奉化紧压茶和浙江绿茶的儿茶素和有机酸分析表明 ,紧压茶加工过程中发酵时间越长 ,其儿茶素总量、有机酸含量越小 ;三种紧压茶有机酸含量分别为绿茶的 3 5 4.6%、 3 1 9.8%、2 0 9.0 % ,每种砖茶的草酸和琥珀酸的含量占到其有机酸总量的 80 % ;三种紧压茶儿茶素含量分别为绿茶的 2 1 .8%、1 5 .3 %、4.7%。
The contents of catechins and some organic acids in three compressed teas made in Hubei, Yuannan and Zhejiang were analysed.The results showed that the contents of catechins and some organic acids were negatively relative to the fermented duration of compressed tea. The amounts of organic acids in the three compressed tea were2 5 4.6% ,2 1 9.8% ,1 0 9.0 % higher than those in green tea while catechins were 2 1 .8% ,1 5 .3 % and 4.7% of that in green tea. The content of oxalic acid and succinic acid was more than80 % of the total organic acids in the compressed tea.
Journal of Tea
20 0 1年浙江大学"Student Research Train Plan"和"挑战杯"资助项目