本文研究了风化母岩矿化成分,抗压强度随岩块失水风干而增长的变化规律,研究了软岩风化料压实后的物理力学性质;并着重研究了土石混合料的压实性及影响压实效果的诸因素。 研究成果表明:该类软岩风化料经过压实后属高强度,中、低压缩性土,具有良好的防渗性和抗渗稳定性。能满足高土石坝防渗体的要求,且易施工,是一种良好的防渗材料。在鲁布革工程中应用了此类土料,并获得了显著的技术经济效益。
Although saprolith is weathered and shaped like soil, it still retains the texture and the occurrence of its mother rock. It has relatively low strength (usually less than 2MPa) under certain moisture. After excavation and compaction it is partially broken into soil and becomes soil and rockmixed material.The study of saprolith has been carried out based on construction of the Tianshen-sqiao and the Lubuge hydropower project, which consists of a 180m high dam and a 103m high dam respectively.This paper studies the compactibility of a soil and rock mixture and other factore which atfact the compaction result, such as type and properties of mother rocks and specimen preparing method, variation of coarse grain content before and after compaction, and their effect on the engineering characteristics of the material. The paper discusses determination of compaction standard and selection of compaction equipment for this kind of soil based on both laboratory compaction tests with different compacting energy and field compaction tests.This paper also proves that saprolith is a good impervious material, which will bring about significant technical and economical benefit, together with short haul distance, less occupation of farmland and easy construction for water control works.
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering