曹丕《典论·论文》所云“盖文章 ,经国之大业 ,不朽之盛事” ,长期以来被作为“文学的自觉时代”的新观念予以肯定。本文通过对曹文中“文章”、“不朽”等概念的语义分析 ,指出曹丕的文章不朽观与汉人一脉相承 ,主要重视的是能“成一家之言”的论著而非表达性情的诗赋 ,并无与今人类似的纯文学观念 ,因而也谈不上文学的自觉。当然 ,由于时代的变迁 ,曹丕的文章不朽观对于强化文章价值理论和文章体式多样性的认识 ,对于促进传统文学观念的多元发展 。
CAO Pi, in his book Critics: papers, put forward the idea that 'article-writing is as important as running a nation', which has been regarded as a new concept in the conscious period of literature. This thesis, based on a semantic analysis of his ideas of 'article' and 'eternal', thinks that CAO Pi's ideas agree with the writers' of Han nationality. CAO's idea of article eternity still plays a positive role in strengthening the value of articles and enhancing understanding of article diversity.
Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)