This paper presents the results of fungal cul-ture from healthy conjunctival sac in 178 eyes.The rate ofpositive culture of the fungi was 25% in farmers,11.1% in cleaners,and 8.8% in city residents respectively,culture foraerobic was carried out in the samples from conjunctival sacsof 137 eyes.The rate of positive culture was 71.9% infarmers,80.6% in cleaners,and 23.2% in city residentsrespectively.On the other hand,the rate of funsal positiveculture was 9.7% and that of aerobic was 30% in the pa-tients managed with steriod eyedrops for more than one mon-th.The aspergillus and penicillum were the most commonlyseen species among the isolated funsal strain,whereas thestaphylococci and streptococcus pneumonia were the mostcommon among the isolated aerobic.The results run parallelto the fact that the main pathogens of ocular infection seenclinically are fungi and aerobics.The authors emphasize thatthe conjunctival sac should be disinfected to prevent infectionscaused by opportunitic pathogens.
Eye Science