墙体裂缝是砖混结构的通病 ,温度裂缝是其中较常见的一种裂缝 ,它不仅影响美观 ,而且有的造成渗漏甚至削弱结构的强度 ,结合工程实例阐述了砖混住宅温度裂缝的成因、形状特征 ,并从施工、设计等方面介绍了裂缝的处理措施。指出了无论从设计还是施工方面都应引起足够的重视 ,采取有效措施 ,控制裂缝的产生。
Wall cracks is common faults of brick masonry structure, while the temperature crack is more familiar. In this paper combined with engineering example the genesis of temperature crack is elaborated. And from construction and design the treatment measures are introduced. Author point out that more attentions should be paid in construction and design and adopt effective measures to control cracks.
Shanxi Architecture