加拿大与美国关于解决酸雨问题的谈判是加美外交的一个缩影 ,在世界环境外交中具有典型意义。它的过程艰难曲折。历时 15年之久 ,双方才达成双边治理协定。加拿大在治理酸雨污染方面所采取的种种积极措施与美国在环境外交上我行我素的单边主义形成了鲜明的对照。酸雨问题之所以长时期成为加美外交关系的症结 ,是因为它已超出一般意义上的伦理概念和单纯的技术操作 。
The negotiation on the problem of acid rain between Canada and the U. S. is an epitome of Canada U. S. diplomacy. This negotiation served as a model for diplomatic negotiation on environmental pollution involved to nations concerned, bearing specific significance. The negotiation went hard and twist spending a span of 15 years to reach a bilateral agreement of settlement. The process of the negotiation spoke volumes: active in offering endeavour to settle the problem on the one side, and the uniliteralism on the other side doing the old ways no matter the other says. The problem of acid rain pollution has become for long the crux of Canada U. S. foreign relation insomuch as this problem is not the problem of pollution in general, but a problem has touched upon the state sovereignty and interest.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition