分析了我国在知情同意问题上的法律规则 ,指出我国现有法律存在四方面的立法缺陷 ,即对医生同时柯加告知义务与不告知义务 ,使医生陷入两难处境 ;在病人同意权方面只要求实验性和特殊诊疗措施征得病人同意 ,同意的主体上多且乱 ,过份强调病人家属的同意 ,侵害或剥夺了病人的自主权 ;对知情同意权的含义认识不清 ;知情权与同意权相分离而没有形成完整统一的病人知情同意权。在此基础上 。
The author analyzed in this article the defects of Chinese legislations on informed consent. His analysis shows that its rules requiring doctors to inform as well as not to inform has caused dilemma; the limitation of IC to experimental or extraordinary diagnosis and treatment, the unnecessary excess of enabled agents to give consent and the excessive accentuation of patients' relatives have infringed or deprived patients' autonomy; and the right to consent and the right to be informed are not integrated into informed consent in Chinese laws. Based on this analysis, the author puts forward amendment proposals.
Medicine and Philosophy