与市场相对成熟国家相比 ,新兴市场经济中银行监管在审慎性要求上更倾向于实行各具特色的量化或其他具体限制———集中体现在银行资本 ,关联贷款、单个借款人贷款和贷款投向 ,流动性比率和法定准备率 ,外汇敞口头寸和外汇期限不匹配等方面的要求或限制上。参考各国的做法 ,对于我国调整和完善更为具体化的审慎性标准具有重大的现实意义。
In comparison with market developed economies,prudential requirements of banking supervision in emerging market economies tend to develop specific quantitative or other limits,focusing on banking capital,limits of related parties,single borrowers and loan allocation,liquidity and required reserve ratio,foreign currency exposure and maturity mismatch.According to the practice,it is essential increasingly to adjust and prefect prudential requirements of banking supervision in more detail in China.