采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板状连续电泳方法,对幼态持续(neoteny)的寡齿新银鱼(Neosalanx oligodontis Chen)13种同工酶的18个位点进行研究,并进行乳酸脱氢酶热变性实验。结果表明ADH、GOT、α-GPDH、LDH、MDH、ME、POX和SOD表现出一定的幼态持续的特征,其中LDH由A、B两个位点编码,C位点不表达,是因为个体发育早期C基因尚未表达时发生幼态持续的结果。ES和IDH无幼态持续特征。α-AMY、FUM和CAT因数据不足,未进行分析。寡齿新银鱼同工酶基因表达中幼态特征的表现为研究鱼类幼态持续的产生机制和遗传基础提供线索。
By using die vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 18 loci of 13 enzymes of neotenous Neosalanx oligodontis are studied. The heat inactivadon of LDH has been studied.The expressions of neotenous characteristics have been observed in ADH, GOT, α-GPDH, LDH, MDH, ME, POX and SOD. Among them LDH is coded with A and B loci, and C locus is not expressed, probably resulting from the neoteny occurred at early stage of development when the LDH C gene had not been expressed. No expressions of neotenous characteristics have been observed in ES and IDH. α-AMY, CAT and FUM are not analysed on account of the unreliable score.