新产品概念开发一般指生成新产品创意、产品概念评估和比选等一系列工作。许多研究表明产品概念开发是产品创新过程极为重要的一环。论文通过文献分析指出新产品概念开发是一个新出现的研究领域 ,二十世纪 80年代新产品概念开发研究主要集中在概念生成方法上 ,到 90年代则更多的关注概念选择评价问题。质量功能分解 (QFD)方法是众多概念开发方法中较为重要的一种 ,论文介绍了这一方法的产生、发展和使用中存在的问题。最后论文分析了新产品概念开发研究的若干重要方向。
New product concept development is generally considered as a series of work such as the creation ?evaluation and election of new product concept. Much research indicates that product concept development is one of the most important steps in the product innovation process. After literature analysis, the paper points out that new product concept development is a new research area,the literatures of the 1980's on this area mainly focus on the concept creation approaches, and those of the 1990's are more about the concept election and evaluation. Because the QFD method is more important than other concept development methods, the paper especially comments this one.In the end of the paper some important directions in the new product concept development research are analyzed.
Science Research Management
清华大学 985工程经济管理基础研究项目