改革开放以来 ,为了与国际接轨 ,我国高等学校陆续开展了科学研究工作 ,部分学校已经形成科研与教学两个中心 .凡是有条件的高校都应该围绕这个中心任务部署自己的工作 .本文就高校图书馆为强化科研支持功能 ,为学科建设服务 ,保障博士和硕士研究生培养工作 ,以及加强电子阅览室建设工作这些当务之急 ,提出一些粗浅的看法 .
Recently,graduate students for Doctor and Master degree are trained and research works are done in universities of our country.It is convenience for university libraries to arrange their works around this central task.In this paper,how to ensure graduate students training,strengthen research support function,serve for discipline construct and expediate establishment of electronic reading room for university library have been discussed,some profitable suggestions are raised.
Journal of Tianjin Institute of Technology