数据结构是计算机相关专业的重要基础课 ,算法是数据结构教学的重点和难点。然而用传统的“粉笔 +黑板”形式很难将算法的执行过程动态地演示出来 ,影响了教学效果。因此有必要设计一个数据结构辅助教学系统 ,帮助学生更快地掌握算法。用Java的多线程技术实现的数据结构辅助教学系统以动画形式表示算法的执行过程 ,并且还可以同步显示算法的源代码 ,使算法的执行过程一目了然 。
Data Structure is a major course in computer science, especially in software. The algorithm is the most important part of the Data Structure. But, it is not easy to make students understand algorithm clearly most time. In order to help students learning algorithm quickly, it is necessary to design a Data Structure CAI with animation. The key part of the Data Structure CAI is Java multithread. With Java multithread, the Data Structure CAI can display algorithm animation and source code synchronously. This makes the process of the execution of an algorithm visible.
Journal of Beijing Union University