硬件中断是工控软件的基本功能 ,为了编制精美的界面 ,人们逐步采用 Windows编程。然而 ,Windows对系统底层资源的保护措施 ,使人们不得不深入到 Windows内核中去编程。这给硬件中断编程带来了很大困难。通过了一个简单而有代表性的例子 ,介绍中断接口程序的设计方法 ;并以该例子作为基础 ,稍作扩充 ,就可以实现 Windows下硬件中断的编程 ,以满足一般工业控制之需要。
Interrupt is the basic function in the area of industrial control For friendship interface,the programming under Windows is often adopted However,this arise some difficulty for those who are not familiar with the kernel of Windows Gives a simple example of designing the interrupt progrom, and after expansion,it can meet the need of industrial control
Modern Electronics Technique