根据最优货币区理论 ,东亚经济区域在生产要素的流动性、经济体的开放性以及次区域承受外部冲击的对称性方面比较接近最优货币区的标准 ,有利于东亚建立货币联盟。但是 ,东亚的经济趋同性差、经济发展水平差异大等因素构成了建立东亚货币联盟的障碍。要加快建立东亚货币联盟的进程 ,可通过建立亚洲货币基金、东亚汇率联动机制和创立亚洲货币单位的路径渐次演进。此外 。
Measured by the criteria in the theory of Optimum Currency Areas(OCA),East Asian Economies are under both the favorable and unfavorable preconditions for a Currency Union. It may be a helpful way of proceeding towards the Currency Union for East Asian Economies to experience the process of AMF(Asian Monetary Fund)?EAERM(East Asian Exchange Rate Mechanism)and ACA(Asian Currency Area).Of course,the political cooperation is an essential precondition for Currency Union in East Asia.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies