
The Grey Correlation Analysis on the Relationship between the Rural Finance and the Rural Economical Growth in Sichuan Province 被引量:3

The Grey Correlation Analysis on the Relationship between the Rural Finance and the Rural Economical Growth in Sichuan Province
摘要 This paper analyzes the relationship between rural finance and the rural economy of Sichuan Province from 1999 to 2009 by using the sequential growth rate of the gross value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and the sequential growth rate of the per capital total income of rural households as the indicators of rural economic development; and taking the volume of deposit, volume of credit, volume of agricultural credit and the credit volume of township enterprises as the indicators of rural financial development; as well as the method of grey correlation analysis. The results show that there is an obvious positive correlation between them, and the development of country finance has the closest connection with the sequential growth rate of farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production and fishery. The loan scale of township enterprises has the biggest influence on the increase of the rural economy. The countermeasures are put forward, covering optimizing investment structure; supporting the development of township enterprises; encouraging loan; actively lightening the financial difficulties in the process of developing rural economy; innovating and exploring; and promoting the diversified development of rural finance. This paper analyzes the relationship between rural finance and the rural economy of Sichuan Province from 1999 to 2009 by using the sequential growth rate of the gross value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and the sequential growth rate of the per capital total income of rural households as the indicators of rural economic development; and taking the volume of deposit, volume of credit, volume of agricultural credit and the credit volume of township enterprises as the indicators of rural financial development; as well as the method of grey correlation analysis. The results show that there is an obvious positive correlation between them, and the development of country finance has the closest connection with the sequential growth rate of farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production and fishery. The loan scale of township enterprises has the biggest influence on the increase of the rural economy. The countermeasures are put forward, covering optimizing investment structure; supporting the development of township enterprises; encouraging loan; actively lightening the financial difficulties in the process of developing rural economy; innovating and exploring; and promoting the diversified development of rural finance.
机构地区 School of Management
出处 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2011年第1期77-79,84,共4页 亚洲农业研究(英文)
关键词 Rural finance development Rural economic growth Grey correlation analysis China Rural finance development Rural economic growth Grey correlation analysis China
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