目的:对门诊应急系统建立模式进行探讨,为其他医院开展此项工作提供参考。方法:通过对门诊信息系统流程的分析,结合医院实际,使用PowerBuilder 11开发基于C/S模式的门诊应急系统。结果:该系统能够保证门诊挂号、收费、药房发药、门急诊医师系统的正常使用,增强门诊的应急机制。结论:该门诊应急系统作为门诊系统的重要组成部分,能够保障网络出现故障时门诊业务的连续性,效率高、效果好,值得推广应用。
Objective To discuss the construction mode for outpatient emergency system and to provide references for other hospitals. Methods The flow of outpatient information system was analyzed, and PowerBuilder 11 was used to develop C/S mode-based outpatient, emergency system, Results The system facilitated the outpatient registration, charging, drug dispensing and operating of physician system in outpatient and emergency department. Conclusion The outpatient emergency system is one important part of the outpatient system, which can ensure the continuity and efficiency of outpatient department in case of network failure. [Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2014,35 (7) : 55-57]
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal