
脂肪酸逆转局麻药心肌毒性的药理机制研究进展 被引量:1

Progress in Pharmacological Mechanism for the Role of Fatty Acid in Reversal of Myocardial Toxicity of Local Anesthetics
摘要 目前尚没有特异的局麻药解毒剂,严重阻碍了临床治疗效果,寻找有效的局麻药解毒剂日益紧迫。本文从脂肪池、能量代谢、NO、离子通道和增溶作用来诠释脂肪酸逆转局麻药心肌毒性的分子药理学机制,并比较了纳米脂质体与普通脂肪乳剂结构和功能上的不同的特点。 At present, there is no specific antidote for local anesthetic toxicity, which seriously hindered therapeutic efficts of clinical treatment. It is increasingly urgent for finding find the effective antidote to local anesthetic. This article at-tempts to interpret the molecular pharmacological mechanism from fat pool, energy metabolism, NO, ion channel and solubili-zation for the role of fatty acids in reversal of myocardial toxicity of local anesthetics. And the different characteristics of the structure and function of nano liposome and fat emulsion were compared.
作者 高晶 刘超
出处 《天津医药》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期731-733,共3页 Tianjin Medical Journal
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2013M530880)
关键词 脂肪酸类 脂质体 麻醉药 局部 纳米脂质体 局麻药 心肌毒性 药理学机制 fatty acids liposomes anesthetics,local nano-liposomes local anesthetics myocardial toxicity phar-macological mechanism
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