
国外商业模式创新中价值创造研究的文献述评及展望 被引量:22

Value Creation Based on Business Model Innovation:Recent Developments and Future Research
摘要 商业模式是指企业创造、传递及获取价值的基本原理,它已成为在移动互联网时代创新的主体和载体。本文旨在厘清研究商业模式创新中价值创造的相关文献。首先,分析现有文献中商业模式及创新的内涵,以及商业模式与价值创造的相互关系;然后,重点从结构动因、属性动因和权变动因三个方面梳理商业模式创新中价值动因对价值创造的作用方向和作用机理的研究脉络。最后,本文从研究视角、理论基础、研究内容和研究方法等方面归纳现有研究的不足,并指出未来研究的方向和机会。 Business model articulates the logic that creates, delivers, and captures value, which becomes the subject and object of innovation in the era of mobile internet. The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business models and their valuecreation. First, the literature on the definition and components of business model is discussed, and the literature on the relationship between business model innovation and value creation is analyzed. Then, the literature on the value drivers of business model innova tion and their influence mechanism on valuecreation is clarified by terms of three aspects such as structural value drivers, characteristic value drivers, as well as contingent factor. Lastly, the limits of extant literature are generalized and the future research directions are proposed. The details are as follows. First, six structural factors of value drivers stemmed from business model innovation are analyzed. According to the component of business model, there are six types of value drivers in extant literature such as customer value proposition, key activities in value chain, core resource or capabilities, value network, and profit model. The litera ture analyzed what six value drivers are and how they can create, deliver or capture value by term of fundamental theories such as value chain analysis, resourcebased views, strategic networks. In a word, the literature discussed these structural value drivers from structure of business model, which builds the visible relationship between each component of business model and value creation, enables this relationship measureable, and helps practitioner rein vent their business model to improve performance. Second, four attribute factors of value drivers in extant business model. Some literature also use other terms, such literature are discussed. The first one is consistency of as internal consistency, static consistency, internal a ligned. These terms are used to explain the fit among the components of business model or the existence of high switching cost. The better fit among them, the higher performance of business model innovation. The second one is novelty or uniqueness of business model. By term of Schumpeterian innovation, the literature specified that the ad justment of business model enables it inimitable and nonsubstitute and then creates competitive advantage. The third one is efficiency of business model. The reason that it promotes performance of business model innovation is re duction of transaction cost. The forth one is dynamic consistency of business model. Some literature prefer to other terms, such as adaptable or robust. They represent the match between firm proposition and customer value proposi tion, and sustain timebased competitive advantage. Overall, the literature identified the source of value from another lens and regarded them as good standard of business model. Third, several contingent factors of value drivers are addressed. These factors include technology innovation, competitive strategy, and environmental determinants. Some studies empirically tested their influence on the relation ship between business model innovation and value creation and showed contingent effect. Lastly, this paper generalizes the shortcoming of extant literature. According to analysis unit and lens, they fo cused more attention to firmlevel analysis, and less to networks'. According to foundation theory, they used different traditional theories and resulted in different or paradox conclusions. According to study topics, they did not have a common framework of business model, and used different terms to distinguish attribute of business model showing many internal inconsistency. According to study methods, they preferred to more qualitative study than quantitative study. Therefore, the future research direction is improvement of networklevel analysis, internal consistent theories, common framework of business model, reasonable value drivers, and effective study methods.
作者 江积海
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第8期187-199,共13页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目"开放型商业模式创新中价值创造的内在机理及实现路径研究"(CQDXWL-2014-024)
关键词 商业模式创新 价值创造 结构动因 属性动因 文献综述 business model innovation value driver structural value driver characteristic value driver literature review
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