
105例结核性心包炎的治疗分析 被引量:8

Clinical analysis of 105 patients with tuberculous pericarditis
摘要 目的探讨结核性心包炎不同方法的治疗效果和预后。方法将105例结核性心包炎患者,以是否心包穿刺术和是否使用糖皮质激素分为4组,分析四组患者在临床特征和治疗预后等方面的差异。结果在本选例条件下,早期(8周到3月),心包穿刺术+抗结核+激素组与抗结核+激素组、抗结核+心包穿刺组、抗结核组有统计学差异;疗程后期与抗结核+激素组无统计学差异,与抗结核+心包穿刺组、抗结核组有统计学差异。结论在结核性心包炎抗结核治疗的基础上,采用心包穿刺术及激素早期可见明显疗效,后期可改善预后。 Objective To explore the clinical effect and prognosis of pericardiocentesis with glucocorticoid in the treatment of tuberculous pericarditis. Methods According to the use of pericardiocentesis and glucocorticoid, 105 patients with tuberculous pericarditis were divided into 4 groups randomly. The differences in clinical features and treatment outcomes of the four groups were analyzed. Prognostic value of all relevant factors was evaluated by re-gression analysis. Results In the early treatment (8 weeks to 3 months), There were significant differences statisti-cally in comparison between group 2(pericardiocentesis with anti-tuberculosis and glucocorticoid) and any other three groups. In the post-treatment, both group 2 and group 4(anti-tuberculosis and glucocorticoid) have no statistically significant difference. There was significant statistically difference between group 2 and the other two groups ( group 1 and group 3). Conclusion In the early treatment, it is an effective method to use pericardiocentesis with anti-tuber-culosis and glucocorticoid for a moderate amount of effusion. Meanwhile, it can improve prognosis.
作者 杨梅 王勇
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2014年第9期1649-1651,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 结核性心包炎 心包穿刺术 激素 tuberculous pericarditis pericardiocentesis glucocorticoid
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