
建立种植体周围理想界面研究进展 被引量:5

Research progress of how to establish ideal interface around implant
摘要 种植体替代天然牙植入牙槽骨行使功能,植入后的种植体与周围软硬组织发生一系列改建,并形成了不同界面。种植体周围界面可分为种植体-软组织界面、种植体-基台界面、种植体-骨界面等。软组织界面生物学宽度在种植体-基台界面周围形成,且与种植体-骨界面周围骨吸收有关。这3者间的相互作用会影响种植体骨水平,是关系到种植修复成功与否的关键因素。 Natural tooth is replaced by Implants to recover the function, there are a series of reactions between implant and hard and soft tissue around implant, as a result,it reform some interfaces such as implant-soft tissue interface, implant-hard tissue interface and implant-abutment interface. Biological width as part of the implant-soft tissue interface is formed around the implant-abutment interface, and maybe associated with bone absorption around implant-bone interface. The interaction between the three interfaces will affect the implant bone level, and also is the key factor to decide if the implant prosthesis will be successful.
作者 孙冬梅 朱力
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2014年第8期498-501,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 生物学宽度 种植体一基台界面 平台转换 骨吸收 Biological width implant-abutment interface platform switching bone absorption
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