
美国重振制造业及其对我国的启示 被引量:2

US's Reindustrialization and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 制造业是美国经济保持繁荣的重要力量,经历了起起伏伏的发展历程,20世纪80年代以来实行的"去工业化"发展道路,削弱了美国制造业竞争力。金融危机之后,美国通过一系列法案以刺激制造业发展,兴建制造业创新研究中心,希望以高新技术改造传统制造业,增加就业,推动美国经济走上可持续增长的繁荣之路。通过分析金融危机以来美国和旧金山湾区为重振制造业采取的各项措施和当前形势,对我国制造业发展提出以下建议:面向内需及亚洲市场,继续保持传统制造业的优势;加大先进制造领域投入,创建国家制造业创新中心;跟踪研究页岩气开采工艺和技术,谨慎大规模开发。 Manufacturing was, for a long time, central to the US economic prosperity. However,“deindustrialization” starting from 1980’s has weakened the competitiveness of US manufacturing industries. In the wake of the global ifnancial crisis in 2008, the US started to launch a reindustrialization campaign in the hope to create more employment opportunities and put its economy on the path to sustainable growth. Some of its measures include passing relevant legislations, establishing innovation centers, and improving traditional manufacturing by using high and new technology. This paper analyzes major strategic and policy measures adopted in the US. particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, and propose some recommendations for the development of China’s manufacturing sector as follows: keeping advantages of Chinese traditional manufacturing based on the domestic and Asian markets; setting up the national manufacturing innovation centers and boosting investment on advanced manufacturing field; tracking and researching the shale gas technology and keeping cautious to its large-scale exploitation.
作者 薛虎圣
机构地区 中国科学技术部
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2014年第6期18-22,共5页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 美国 制造业 创新中心 页岩气 US manufacturing innovation centers shale gas
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