
神经行为学在药理毒理评价中的应用 被引量:2

Neurological behavior in pharmacology and toxicology evaluation
摘要 行为功能改变是神经系统内在损害的外部表现,此时受累机体尚未出现明显的症状、体征及病理形态学等改变,而主要表现为感觉、运动、情绪及认知障碍上的偏倚。动物神经行为学试验可以发现神经系统表现的敏感相关终点,广泛应用于新药的有效性和安全性评价,有利于揭示药物作用神经系统潜在药理和毒性作用机制。 Behavior changed the external representation of function inherent damage in the nervous system, yet the body involvement at this time with obvious symptoms, signs and pathological and other changes have not appeared, and mainly manifested in the sensory, motor, emotional and cognitive disorders bias. Animal test can be used to fi nd neurobehavioral endpoint sensitive nervous system-related performance, and widely used in drug effi cacy and safety assessment. It helped reveal potential drug effects on the nervous system pharmacology and toxicity mechanism.
出处 《中南药学》 CAS 2014年第8期732-734,共3页 Central South Pharmacy
基金 科技部新药创制重大专项(No.2011ZX09401)
关键词 神经行为学 药理毒理评价 学习记忆 情绪 感觉运动 neuroethology pharmacology and toxicology evaluation learning and memory depression sensorimotor
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