演现有文献主要讨论地方政府的整体效率或某类公共品供给效率.如果将环境质量看作是公共物品, 将地方政府视为环境质量的提供者, 那么财政分权是否提高了政府环境治理效率? 基于我国31 省市1998~2010年的环境治理支出数据, 利用数据包络分析法和面板Tobit 模型计算并分析了影响政府环境治理支出效率的因素.回归结果表明, 财政分权与环境治理支出效率呈负相关关系, 腐败降低了地方政府的环境治理支出效率.
The existing literatures focus on the overall efficiency of local governments or efficient supply of public goods. If we take environment quality as public goods, while the local governments as the providers, then one question we may ask is whether fiscal decentralization has improved the efficiency of environmental quality supplying? Based on data from 31 provinces and cities in China spanned from 1998 to 2010, we calculated the efficiency of local governments' environmental governance expenditure employing data envelopment analysis, and then in the panel Tobit model, we analyzed the factors that affect the efficiency of government spending on environmental governance. The regression results indicate that the efficiency of fiscal decentralization and environmental spending is negatively correlated with the expenditures, and corruptions also reduce the efficiency of local government environment governance expenditure.
Contemporary Economic Management