Using questionnaire survey, the authors investigated the coaches' leadership, team conflict, team cohesion and satisfaction perceived by the basketball players, and constructed the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) of coaches' leadership, causes and solutions of team conflict, team cohesion and athletes' satisfaction based on the results of Canonical Correlation Analysis. The results showed that coaches' leadership could effectively explain the causes and solutions of team conflict, team cohesion and satisfaction. The causes of team conflict could also effectively explain the team cohesion and satisfaction. Besides, the solutions of team conflict could effectively explain team cohesion and satisfaction as well. Satis- faction could also effectively explain team cohesion. However, the Structural Equation Modeling among coaches' leader- ship perceived by the players, the causes and solutions of team conflict, team cohesion and satisfaction mainly affected players' satisfaction to "leader and team", so as to reach the maximum influence on team cohesion, through coaches' non- despotic leadership perceived by players.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University