
Changes in Soil Biota Resulting from Growth of the Invasive Weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.(Compositae), Enhance Its Success and Reduce Growth of Co-Occurring Plants 被引量:1

Changes in Soil Biota Resulting from Growth of the Invasive Weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.(Compositae), Enhance Its Success and Reduce Growth of Co-Occurring Plants
摘要 Exotic plant invasion presents a serious threat to native ecosystem structure and function. Little is known about the role of soil microbial communities in facilitating or resisting the spread of invasive plants into native communities. The purpose of this research is to understand how the invasive annual plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. facilitates its competition capacity through changing the structure and function of soil microbial communities. The soil characteristics of different areas invaded by A. artemisiifolia were examined. Greenhouse experiments were designed to assess the effect of A. artemisiifolia invasion-induced changes of soil biota on co-occurring plant growth, and on the interactions between A. artemisiifolia and three co-occurring plant species. The results showed that the soil organic C content was the highest in heavily invaded sites, the lowest in native plant sites, and intermediate in newly invaded sites. Soil available N, P and K concentrations in heavily invaded site were 2.4, 1.9 and 1.7 times higher than those in native plant soil, respectively. Soil pH decreased as A. artemisiifolia invasion intensity increased, and was lower in invaded sites(heavily invaded and newly invaded) than in native plant sites. The soil microbial community structure was clearly separated in the three types of sites, and A. artemisiifolia invasion increased anaerobe, sulfate-reducing bacteria and actinomycete abundance. Soil biota of invaded sites inhibits growth of co-occurring plants(Galinsoga parvifloraCav., Medicago sativa L. and Setaria plicata(Lam.) T. Cooke.) compared to soil biota from un-invaded sites, but facilitates A. artemisiifolia growth and competition with co-occurring plants. A. artemisiifolia biomass was 50-130% greater when competing with three co-occurring plants, compared to single-species competition only(invasion by A. artemisiifolia alone), in heavily invaded soil. Results of the present study indicated that A. artemisiifolia invasion alters the soil microbial community in a way that favors itself while inhibiting native plant species, with measurable effects on performance of co-occurring plants. Exotic plant invasion presents a serious threat to native ecosystem structure and function. Little is known about the role of soil microbial communities in facilitating or resisting the spread of invasive plants into native communities. The purpose of this research is to understand how the invasive annual plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. facilitates its competition capacity through changing the structure and function of soil microbial communities. The soil characteristics of different areas invaded by A. artemisiifolia were examined. Greenhouse experiments were designed to assess the effect of A. artemisiifolia invasion-induced changes of soil biota on co-occurring plant growth, and on the interactions between A. artemisiifolia and three co-occurring plant species. The results showed that the soil organic C content was the highest in heavily invaded sites, the lowest in native plant sites, and intermediate in newly invaded sites. Soil available N, P and K concentrations in heavily invaded site were 2.4, 1.9 and 1.7 times higher than those in native plant soil, respectively. Soil pH decreased as A. artemisiifolia invasion intensity increased, and was lower in invaded sites(heavily invaded and newly invaded) than in native plant sites. The soil microbial community structure was clearly separated in the three types of sites, and A. artemisiifolia invasion increased anaerobe, sulfate-reducing bacteria and actinomycete abundance. Soil biota of invaded sites inhibits growth of co-occurring plants(Galinsoga parvifloraCav., Medicago sativa L. and Setaria plicata(Lam.) T. Cooke.) compared to soil biota from un-invaded sites, but facilitates A. artemisiifolia growth and competition with co-occurring plants. A. artemisiifolia biomass was 50-130% greater when competing with three co-occurring plants, compared to single-species competition only(invasion by A. artemisiifolia alone), in heavily invaded soil. Results of the present study indicated that A. artemisiifolia invasion alters the soil microbial community in a way that favors itself while inhibiting native plant species, with measurable effects on performance of co-occurring plants.
出处 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第9期1962-1971,共10页 农业科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2009CB119200) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30871654)
关键词 外来入侵植物 土壤生物 植物生长 豚草属 二氧化碳 微生物群落结构 土壤微生物群落 硫酸盐还原细菌 biological invasion,invasive alien plant,Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.,soil biota,soil fertility
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